Oh my word! Can these two be any cuter together? I’ve had the privilege of getting to know and love Allison over the past few years because she has been a beautiful bridesmaid in some of my past weddings! Allison has a smile that lights up a room and a personality that brings joy to everyone that she is around. When I saw that she got engaged, I was so incredibly happy for her! And I literally let out a squeal of excitement when she reached out to me to see if I could photograph her and Connor’s wedding! I met Connor for the first time at their engagement session and after about 1 minute of chatting with him, I felt like I had known him for years. He is so engaging and easy to talk to and absolutely adores Allison which makes my heart so happy. Their engagement session was a dream and I can only imagine how perfect their wedding day is going to be! Here are just a few of my favorite images from their session.

[…] may remember this beautiful and amazing couple from their engagement session this past fall! I was thrilled to be their wedding photographer and knew that their day was going […]